Thursday 6 February 2014

Unit 33 - Animation Evaluation

Stop Motion Animation Evaluation

Discuss the development of your initial idea as a response to your chosen soundtrack.

When in the pre-production stage I planned to use a famous movie quote and this lead me to watch the best movie quote on YouTube, but this did not give me a soundtrack. After watching a couple of videos I noticed that Forrest Gump kept coming up and I released that this would be my soundtrack. (1:30). This was a soundtrack that I knew would be recognized but I felt that I wanted to use the speech from The Great Dictator. I first saw this at secondary school and since then it has been my favorite speech and I really wanted to use this soundtrack but it was extremely long compared to Forrest Gump. So I had two ideas for my soundtrack but I was unsure on which one to use, something that was easily recognizable or something with great power and meaning. After written notes on what sort of stop motion that I could do with both I decided on Forrest Gump because it was shorter and I know clearly what my animation would use pixilation.  

If you worked in a group identify your role and contribution to the overall project

Discuss the development of your chosen technique. Did you do test shots? Use screen shots to illustrate your work.

I know straight away that I want the Forrest Gump soundtrack to have pixilation stop motion. The reason I was so clear on this technique is because I wanted to use real chocolates and after research I did on Claymation and pixilation, which can be found in my production diary I speak about how I really like the work of Pes and Paul Heard. Also I had do some work on pixilation which was 13 seconds and titled Shoe. In this I experimented with moving the camera as well as moving the shoe. This was a sort of test shot but without chocolates but still gave me a better understanding of how pixilation works.

After knowing which soundtrack I was going to use I wanted to get a test shot done to give me an understanding on frame rate and I would be able to watch it back use it as a guide for my final piece. I had the equipment for the test shot but I needed a box of chocolates and cups. It was a couple days until I got them due to time clashes with college time and when my dad was able to take me to Asda. Once I got what I needed on Friday 29th I was going to do the test shot on Sunday 1st but due to living condition I left on Saturday to do the test shot in Eastbourne with no tripod, just nature light and a bridging camera. Even with these factors I was happy with the results of my test shot.

Discuss the development of your second soundtrack. How did you decide what sounds to use. How did you choose to mix the soundtrack.

My second soundtrack I know I wanted to have the diegetic sounds such as the movement of the chocolates and the cups, the sliding of the lid coming off the box and the tapping on the cup. These would be Foley sounds, which would give me one type of sound, but I was unsure on what other types of sounds to use. I planed what types of sounds I would use, I knew what Foley but I needed more so I decided that I could use sound effects for the opening of the box and for the spinning of the cups.

What improvements would you make to both the process and final animation

I feel like I rushed the second soundtrack because my deadline was Monday 9th and I finished my first edit on Thursday 5th in the morning. The reason I finished it so late is because I had reflections in the microwave and I had to crop the frame. Once I was done this this I started working on my second soundtrack edit. I got my sound effects fast but I didn’t have the chocolates and cups for the Foley sounds. I was going to do my Foley on Friday but on Thursday I found out that I would not have accuses to the equipment. This meant I had to record Foley on Thursday with random items.  

Have you had any audience feedback? If so what is your response

“Simple but clever, it was fitted the Forrest Gump soundtrack” this is a good response as I wanted to have the link with “never know what your gonna get” and in the visuals you see a pear rather than a chocolate.

Use images to illustrate your work.

This is how I added an image with no reflection behind one that has one. I changed the scale of the frame to make sure the images are lined up. After that I changed the brightness & contrast to make the images match in brightness.

If you look closely you can see a faint line.

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